Class SVarObj

  extended by org.rosuda.ibase.Notifier
      extended by org.rosuda.ibase.SVar
          extended by org.rosuda.ibase.SVarObj

public class SVarObj
extends SVar

Statistical Variable


 NOTE: do NOT remove any elements from SVar !! Any Vector methods that modify contents
       except for "add" are NOT safe (for categorized vars) as they DON'T update categories!!

 The "is number" property is set accoding to the first added (non-null) element - thus you should NOT mix
 numeric and non-numeric objects. It is safe to insert numbers in non-numeric value, but NOT
 vice-versa as for numeric variables the detection of min/max casts any object to Number.

$Id: 2185 2006-04-05 13:28:42Z wichtreyt $

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.rosuda.ibase.SVar
cacheRanks, cat, contentsType, CT_Map, CT_Number, CT_String, CT_Tree, double_NA, guessing, int_NA, isnum, IVT_Derived, IVT_Index, IVT_LeafID, IVT_Misclass, IVT_Normal, IVT_Prediction, IVT_RCC, IVT_Resid, IVT_ResidStat1, IVT_ResidStat2, linked, max, min, missingCat, missingCount, name, selected, seq, SM_lexi, SM_num, tag
Constructor Summary
SVarObj(java.lang.String Name)
          construct new variable (equals to SVar(Name,false,null))
SVarObj(java.lang.String Name, boolean iscat)
          construct new variable and add first element
SVarObj(java.lang.String Name, boolean isnum, boolean iscat)
Method Summary
 boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
          adds a new case to the variable (NEVER use addElement!
 java.lang.Object at(int i)
 void categorize(boolean rebuild)
          define the variable explicitely as categorical
 void dropCat()
          define the variable explicitely as non-categorial (drop category list)
 java.lang.Object getCatAt(int i)
          returns the category with index ID or null if variable is not categorial
 java.lang.Object[] getCategories()
          returns new, fixed array of categories
 int getCatIndex(int i)
          returns ID of the category of i-th case in the variable or -1 if i oob
 int getCatIndex(java.lang.Object o)
          returns the ID of the category of the object
 java.lang.String[] getContent()
          Return content as StringArray
 int getNumCats()
          returns the number of categories for this variable or 0 if the variable is not categorial
 int[] getRanked(SMarker m, int markspec)
          returns list of indexes ordered by rank, for non-cat, num vars only. missing values are omitted.
 int getSizeCat(java.lang.Object o)
          returns size of the category o.
 int getSizeCatAt(int i)
          returns size of the category with index ID or -1 if variable is not categorial or index oob
 boolean insert(java.lang.Object o, int index)
          inserts a case to var at any index
 boolean remove(int index)
          remove a case, if it's an NA do missingcount--, what i do not is updating cats
 boolean replace(int i, java.lang.Object o)
          replaces an element at specified position - use with care!.
 void setAllEmpty(int size)
          we want to be able to make an empty SVar with the specified size and null content (added 28.12.03 MH).
 void setCategorical(boolean nc)
          define the type of the variable. note that setting nc to false does not necessarily drop categories information. this method should be used for quick toggling of the variable type
 int size()
          returns the size (number of cases) of the variable
 void sortCategories(int method)
          sort categories by specifeid method
 java.lang.String toString()
 void tryToGuessNum(boolean doit)
          sets the #guessNum flag.
Methods inherited from class org.rosuda.ibase.SVar
add, add, atD, atF, atI, atS, categorize, elementAt, filterRanksByID, filterRanksByMap, getContentsType, getInternalType, getMax, getMin, getMissingCount, getName, getNotifier, getRanked, hasMissing, insert, insert, isCat, isEmpty, isInternal, isMissingAt, isNA, isNA, isNum, isSelected, mainSeq, replace, replace, setContentsType, setInternalType, setName, setSelected, setSeq, sortCategories
Methods inherited from class org.rosuda.ibase.Notifier
addDepend, beginBatch, delDepend, endBatch, NotifyAll, NotifyAll, NotifyAll, NotifyAll, startCascadedNotifyAll
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SVarObj(java.lang.String Name,
               boolean iscat)
construct new variable and add first element

Name - variable name
iscat - true if categorial variable
first - first element to be added - see add(java.lang.Object) for details. If null is passed then no element is added. The usage of this constructor is discouraged/deprecated because first entry cannot contain a missing value thus leading to a loss of generality.


public SVarObj(java.lang.String Name,
               boolean isnum,
               boolean iscat)


public SVarObj(java.lang.String Name)
construct new variable (equals to SVar(Name,false,null))

Name - variable name
Method Detail


public void setAllEmpty(int size)
Description copied from class: SVar
we want to be able to make an empty SVar with the specified size and null content (added 28.12.03 MH). remove abstract and define a fallback using replace/add/remove in case the subclass doesn't provide its optimized version (SU 19.1.04)

setAllEmpty in class SVar


public java.lang.String[] getContent()
Return content as StringArray



public void tryToGuessNum(boolean doit)
sets the #guessNum flag. It must me set before the first add(..) call because the guess is made based on the first added object (hence makes no sense if #SVar(String,boolean,Object) was used).


public int size()
Description copied from class: SVar
returns the size (number of cases) of the variable

Specified by:
size in class SVar


public void categorize(boolean rebuild)
define the variable explicitely as categorical

Specified by:
categorize in class SVar
rebuild - if set to true force rebuild even if the variable is already categorial.


public void sortCategories(int method)
sort categories by specifeid method

Specified by:
sortCategories in class SVar
method - sort method, see SM_xxx constants


public void dropCat()
define the variable explicitely as non-categorial (drop category list)

Specified by:
dropCat in class SVar


public void setCategorical(boolean nc)
Description copied from class: SVar
define the type of the variable. note that setting nc to false does not necessarily drop categories information. this method should be used for quick toggling of the variable type

setCategorical in class SVar


public boolean add(java.lang.Object o)
adds a new case to the variable (NEVER use addElement! see package header) Also beware, categorial varaibles are classified by object not by value!

Specified by:
add in class SVar
o - object to be added. First call to add (even implicit if an object was specified on the call to the constructor) does also decide whether the variable will be numeric or not. If the first object is a subclass of Number then the variable is defined as numeric. There is a significant difference in handling numeric and non-numeric variabels, see package header.
true if element was successfully added, or false upon failure - currently when non-numerical value is inserted in a numerical variable. It is strongly recommended to check the result and act upon it, because failing to do so can result in non-consistent datasets - i.e. mismatched row IDs


public boolean insert(java.lang.Object o,
                      int index)
inserts a case to var at any index

Specified by:
insert in class SVar


public boolean remove(int index)
remove a case, if it's an NA do missingcount--, what i do not is updating cats

Specified by:
remove in class SVar


public boolean replace(int i,
                       java.lang.Object o)
replaces an element at specified position - use with care!. also numerical variables only "grow" their min/max - i.e. if min/max was the removed element, then min/max is not adapted to shrink the range

Specified by:
replace in class SVar


public java.lang.Object at(int i)
Specified by:
at in class SVar


public int getCatIndex(java.lang.Object o)
returns the ID of the category of the object

Specified by:
getCatIndex in class SVar
object -
category ID


public int getCatIndex(int i)
returns ID of the category of i-th case in the variable or -1 if i oob

getCatIndex in class SVar


public java.lang.Object getCatAt(int i)
returns the category with index ID or null if variable is not categorial

Specified by:
getCatAt in class SVar


public int getSizeCatAt(int i)
returns size of the category with index ID or -1 if variable is not categorial or index oob

Specified by:
getSizeCatAt in class SVar


public int getSizeCat(java.lang.Object o)
returns size of the category o. If category does not exist or variable is not categorial, -1 is returned.

Specified by:
getSizeCat in class SVar


public int getNumCats()
returns the number of categories for this variable or 0 if the variable is not categorial

Specified by:
getNumCats in class SVar


public java.lang.Object[] getCategories()
returns new, fixed array of categories

Specified by:
getCategories in class SVar


public int[] getRanked(SMarker m,
                       int markspec)
returns list of indexes ordered by rank, for non-cat, num vars only. missing values are omitted.

Specified by:
getRanked in class SVar
v - variable (should be obtained by at(..))
m - marker to use for filtering. if null all cases will be checked
markspec - mark for filtering, i.e. cases with that mark will be used only
list of indexes or null is any of the following cases: variable is not numerical or is categorical, no cases matching specification are present


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class SVar